À propos de "Tourisme et developpement durable en Mediterranee"

"Tourisme Durable en Méditerranée"

Le tourisme est une industrie importante dans la région méditerranéenne, mais il peut également avoir des impacts négatifs sur l'environnement et les communautés locales. Ce livre en ligne, initialement publié en 2003, explore les moyens de promouvoir un développement touristique durable en Méditerranée.

Il commence par une présentation générale du tourisme en Méditerranée, followed by an analysis of its environmental and socio-economic impacts. The book then presents several strategies for promoting sustainable tourism development, including the use of renewable energy sources, the promotion of cultural heritage, and the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes.

The author also discusses the challenges and limitations of implementing sustainable tourism practices, such as the need for adequate funding and political support. Throughout the book, real-world examples are provided to illustrate successful approaches to sustainable tourism development in the Mediterranean region.

This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in promoting sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean or other coastal regions around the world. Its clear and concise writing style makes it accessible to readers with varying levels of knowledge and experience in the field. Whether you are a student, researcher, practitioner, or policy maker, this book provides useful insights and practical guidance for promoting sustainable tourism development.