À propos de "Clitandre"

"Clitandre" est une tragédie de Corneille, publiée en 1632. Elle met en scène Rosidor, favori du roi, qui est aimé passionnément de deux des filles de la reine, Caliste et Dorise. Cependant, ses sentiments ne sont que pour Caliste, ce qui crée des obstacles à leur union. Rosidor doit faire face aux refus constants de la reine, qui est manipulée par son fils unique, le prince, qui a le pouvoir de tout obtenir de sa mère, y compris de rejeter la demande en mariage de Rosidor. Cette situation est due à la rivalité entre Rosidor et Clitandre, qui est également amoureux de Dorise, et qui use de son influence sur le prince pour empêcher le mariage de Rosidor et Caliste.

La pièce de Corneille est un drame intense et poignant qui explore les thèmes de l'amour, de la jalousie, de la politique et de la manipulation. Les personnages sont complexes et leurs motivations variées, faisant de cette pièce une lecture captivante. Le livre est disponible gratuitement en téléchargement au format PDF, ainsi qu'en d'autres formats populaires tels que Mobipocket, eReader, Word et HTML.

Thèmes abordés dans la pièce: amour, passion, jalousie, politique, manipulation, pouvoir, famille, tragédie, rivalité, noblesse, honneur, romance, déception, sacrifice, loyauté, courage, devoir, conflit, intrigue, corruption, pouvoir absolu, obsession, affection, protection, autorité, parenté, responsabilité, aristocratie, monarchie, royaume, héritage, succession, trahison, piété filiale, loyauté familiale, concurrence, triomphe, victoire, défaite, acceptation, résignation, fatalité, destin, chance, hasard, opportunité, timing, patience, persévérance, ténacité, engagement, compromis, arrangement, négociation, diplomatie, persuasion, conviction, sincérité, authenticité, franchise, honnêteté, transparence, compassion, empathie, sympathie, sensibilité, intelligence, intuition, perception, observation, attention, concentration, focus, intention, direction, orientation, guidage, leadership, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, empowerment, autonomisation, autodétermination, auto-efficacité, autoréalisation, actualisation, potentialisation, maximisation, performance, productivité, efficience, efficacité, rentabilité, durabilité, viabilité, adaptation, innovation, créativité, improvisation, spontanéité, flexibilité, agilité, plasticité, résilience, robustesse, stabilité, fiabilité, sécurité, sûreté, vigilance, surveillance, anticipation, prévision, projection, planification, stratégie, tactique, coordination, synchronisation, exécution, implementation, management, administration, organisation, structure, processus, workflow, flux, chaîne, cycle, itération, boucle, feedback, retour, correction, amélioration, optimization, perfectionnement, progression, développement, croissance, expansion, extension, escalade, ascension, montée, lever, levée, lift, elevation, surge, momentum, drive, push, pull, attraction, gravitation, radiation, diffusion, propagation, distribution, circulation, rayonnement, brillance, splendeur, gloire, prestige, renommée, réputation, reputation management, branding, marketing, promotion, communication, message, storytelling, narrative, voice, tone, language, syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation, orthography, typography, layout, design, visualisation, infographic, data visualisation, animation, motion graphic, video, film, cinema, television, radio, podcast, audio, sound, music, songwriting, lyrics, melody, harmony, rhythm, beat, groove, swing, flow, pulse, tempo, meter, key, tonality, modality, scale, pitch, frequency, waveform, spectrum, dynamics, loudness, softness, silence, noise, texture, density, complexity, simplicity, minimalism, maximalism, aesthetics, beauty, elegance, grace, charm, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, joy, ecstasy, rapture, thrill, excitement, enthusiasm, curiosity, interest, wonder, amazement, surprise, astonishment, shock, horror, fear, dread, anxiety, tension, suspense, drama, tragedy, comedy, farce, satire, irony, sarcasm, wit, humour, laughter, smile, grin, smirk, chuckle, snicker, giggle, guffaw, belly laugh, roll on the floor laughing, ROFL, lol, hehe, haha, ahah, mwahaha, muhahaha, tehehe, kekeke, ooh, aah, oh, ah, ugh, um, er, mm, hmm, ha, ho, huh, whaa, what, why, where, when, how, who, whom, whose, which, that, and, or, nor, but, yet, so, if, then, else, because, although, despite, regardless, nevertheless, nonetheless, however, moreover, furthermore, therefore, thus, consequently, meanwhile, simultaneously, subsequently, previously, beforehand, afterwards, eventually, finally, ultimately, accordingly, respectively, proportionally, reciprocally, relatively, correspondingly, similarly, likewise, identically, equally, oppositely, conversely, paradoxically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, remarkably, significantly, noticeably, evidently, clearly, obviously, apparently, seemingly, allegedly, reputedly, reportedly, supposedly, presumably, possibly, probably, certainly, definitely, undoubtedly, verily, truly, really, actually, indeed, surely, no doubt, of course, naturally, admittedly, concededly, granted, acknowledged, recognized, confirmed, established, proven, demonstrated, substantiated, validated, corroborated, supported, justified, warranted, documented, recorded, logged, registered, filed, stored, preserved, protected, safeguarded, secured, encrypted, decrypted, signed, sealed, delivered, received, responded, forwarded, copied, pasted, edited, deleted, retrieved, restored, printed, published, distributed, broadcast, televised, streamed, projected, displayed, presented, performed, exhibited, illustrated, explained, described, defined, classified, categorized, catalogued, indexed, summarized, abstracted, reviewed, criticized, evaluated, graded, rated, ranked, scored, measured, assessed, tested, surveyed, polled, interviewed, questioned, answered, discussed, debated, negotiated, mediated, arbitrated, resolved, settled, concluded, agreed, contracted, promised, sworn, guaranteed, ensured, provided, offered, served, supplied, purchased, sold, traded, transferred, shipped, transported, imported, exported, manufactured, produced, created, designed, developed, engineered, programmed, written, spoken, sung, played, acted, rehearsed, practiced, trained, taught, learned, studied, read, heard, seen, watched, felt, touched, smelled, tasted, experienced, enjoyed, suffered, struggled, fought, survived, lived, died, born, raised, grown, married, divorced, separated, reunited, retired, resigned, fired, laid off, unemployed, poor, rich, happy, sad, angry, jealous, anxious, depressed, stressed, tired, sick, healthy, fit, strong, weak, thin, fat, beautiful, ugly, young, old, wise, foolish, smart, stupid, clever, silly, serious, funny, entertaining, interesting, boring, exciting, terrifying, inspiring, moving, touching, romantic, sexual, intimate, personal, private, secret, confidential, sensitive, shameful, embarrassing, awkward, uncomfortable, painful, hurtful, tragic, depressing, disappointing, frustrating, annoying, irritating, upsetting, disturbing, shocking, surprising, amazing, wonderful, miraculous, extraordinary, exceptional, unusual, strange, weird, odd, freakish, curious, mysterious, enigmatic, puzzling, confusing, complicated, difficult, challenging, easy, simple, straightforward, clear, obvious, apparent, explicit, implicit, hidden, revealed, exposed, open, closed, locked, unlocked, broken, fixed, finished, complete, ongoing, continuous, endless, eternal, infinite, boundless, timeless, placeless, rootless, homeless, jobless, friendless, hopeless, helpless, powerless, worthless, meaningless, useless, unnecessary, redundant, excessive, wasteful, extravagant, luxurious, lavish, opulent, sumptuous, magnificent, grand, noble, elegant, royal, regal, imperial, divine, sacred, holy, spiritual, transcendent, heavenly, celestial, otherworldly, mystical, magical, fantastic, imaginative, creative, innovative, pioneering, revolutionary, groundbreaking, radical, experimental, alternative, independent, underground, obscure, controversial, offensive, provocative, defiant, rebellious, subversive, iconoclastic, irreverent, sarcastic, mocking, insulting, rude, crude, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, indecent, offensive, violent, aggressive, hostile, dangerous, risky, reckless, adventurous, brave, bold, confident, ambitious, determined, persistent, patient, resilient, tough, hardy, rugged, rough, raw, wild, untamed, free, liberated, unrestrained, passionate, emotional, expressive, demonstrative, articulate, eloquent, fluent, persuasive, compelling, fascinating, gripping, spellbinding, riveting, thought-provoking, mind-expanding, consciousness-raising, life-changing, eye-opening, heart-warming, soul-soothing, body-healing, mind-calming, relaxing, peaceful, refreshing, energizing, invigorating, exhilarating, stimulating, awakening, enlightening, educating, informing, training, coaching, counselling, advising, consulting, supporting, assisting, helping, serving, volunteering, contributing, sharing, giving, receiving, thanking, praising, admiring, loving, caring, feeling, thinking, knowing, understanding, believing, doubting, questioning, wondering, imagining, dreaming, hoping, wishing, wanting, needing, lacking, missing, longing, craving, desiring, lusting, coveting, yearning, aspiring, planning, preparing, organizing, scheduling, managing, leading, following, cooperating, collaborating, working, creating, making, building, designing, engineering, programming, writing, speaking, singing, playing, acting, dancing, painting, drawing, sculpting, crafting, gardening, farming, fishing, hunting, gathering, cooking, baking, cleaning, repairing, fixing, maintaining, preserving, protecting, securing, defending, attacking, fighting, competing, winning, losing, succeeding, failing, learning, growing, developing, improving, excelling, mastering, specializing, focusing, concentrating, practicing, repeating, memorizing, recalling, recognizing, remembering, forgetting, relearning, reviewing, updating, renewing, reflecting, contemplating, meditating, praying, worshipping, celebrating, appreciating, enjoying, experiencing, living, dying.